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Open Architecture Entertainment
Modhaus plans to launch the world's first K-pop artist made and operated by its fans.
[NME] Jaden Jeong talks plans for ex-LOONA members now under Modhaus: “We already started recording”
Fans of LOONA were blindsided earlier this month when the beloved K-pop group’s former creative director Jaden Jeong and his new agency Modhaus announced that they had signed exclusive contacts with four of the group’s former members: Heejin, Kim Lip, Jinsoul and Choerry. In an exclusive interview with NME, Jeong spoke on how he reunited with the four idols and addresses speculation around their future at the agency.
Modhaus: A New Paradigm for K-Pop
Modhaus is an unprecedented open architecture K-Pop agency that aims to lead the global music industry.
Modhaus promises to create a fan-centered entertainment system. We will work tirelessly to ensure that our fans are included across major stages of production through encouragement and active communication. -
[파이낸셜 뉴스] [SOME PEOPLE] 정병기 대표가 대중에게 건넬 ‘메가폰’
국내 엔터테인먼트 업계의 흐름을 쥐고 갔던 그가 모드하우스 대표로 변신, 다시 한번 판을 흔들 준비를 마쳤다. ‘오픈 아키텍처 엔터테인먼트 생태계’ 구축을 목표로 스타트업 모드하우스를 설립, 메타버스와 블록체인 등 IT 영역의 전문 크리에이터들과 힘을 모아 걸그룹 프로젝트 시동을 걸었다.
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